Friday 16 September 2011

Toddler,Child and 2 babies - babies 3 and 4

Henry Was so sweet. He was so much more work than Lucas, but i loved him all the more.

My lucas was getting so big. Soon he would be a child and going to school. I couldn't wait. He would be a big boy. And i could have some more time henry.

Paul loved his son. He always made him giggle and laugh. He would pull faces and and 'take his nose'

(Paul) "bouncy.bouncy baby boy"

Henry was age-ing quick. He took quite a while to teach to walk but eventually he got the hang of it and was walking about.

Lucas was entertaining his friend while his 'iccle brother grew into a toddler. It was someone new for him to play with.

The candle was lit and i sang happy birthday as i helped him blow out his candle. I placed him on the floor to turn into a toddler.

He got my hair colour yayy two boys had inherited it now. He had his fathers nose but everything was me !

I took the boys for an ice cream at the beach when i sent for the builders to expand our house. 

Here are some pictures of are house. I will just label them for ya' 


Bathroom and stairs.

My room, i mean floor.

Kids floor wallpaper.

 Kids corner. (you may notice that henry is a baby on this but the photos all got muddled up)

Front door

Living room with windows looking onto pool.


Whilst the house was still being finished and having safety checks i went for a swim and put the boys in the play area. Whilst i was drying my hair, i noticed a red coloured man. A very Handsome, red coloured man. I approached him and started to flirt. Asking if he was single of course.  He was called Doop Maze.

I invited him back to my home. After putting the boys to bed and giving them there bottles, i put my 'he will be a daddy head on'. I put on my fave purple and black night club dress to also convince him.
At first he was unsure about it, He took ALOT of work to convince but i wouldn't let him leave before i heard that lullaby. 

I almost gave up until he said, As long as i can kiss you now, And i don't visit the baby , i will do it.
It took me a while to make my mind up. I needed him to be a dad. I couldn't expect all the fathers to be involved, heyy. I don't think Doop meant harm.

I was only sick once ( didn't get a pick of lullaby making) I was pregeeerrrr.

Henry was very smart. He always was playing with his blocks without any help and he had learnt to speak in only 1 hour ! :o 

I was starting to think this was more than 1 baby. i could feel 4 little feet hiting my bely. My first twins

I knew that they were going to come soon. i was so uncomfortable. and hot and sweaty

Booooom what did i say my waters had one and labour had started, i decided to phone Doop to take me to hospital and he freely accepted.

i Arrived at the hospital for a short 2 hour labour.

Introducing Lira, Baby 3 a beautiful baby girl, but she isn't the only one.

And baby 2 Amie Springs, she inherited her dads skin. But it was lighter.
Me and my girls x

We blew out the candles and a last baby cuddle. By bye baby lucas, Hello Child lucas.

SPARKLE SPARKLE. Lucas whizzed into childhood.

It wasnt until i sat down for a piece of cake wit my son that i realised that i was still in my maternity wear.

I loved my precious girls, The first girls of the challenge. Amie loved being cuddled and tickled. 

AWWWW , brotherly love x 

I t was such a great help now that lucas was a child he could help with his brother and give him bottles, Lucas loved his brother so much i could tell he would do anything for him.

Lucas made little performances to entertain his brother whilst i tended to the girls. 

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  1. Awwwww!!! I love their hair colour and she's so pretty and just... AW!!!!

    i <3 Lucas!!!

  2. hehe thanks, Lucas is the best :)
